Monday, November 14, 2011

Let's Be Honest...

Some of you might be reading this and thinking - wow, she's baring it all via the web.  Has she gone crazy?  Nope.  In fact, I think this might be one of the best ideas I've had in a long time!  While I am definitely not thrilled to be admitting to everyone that I need to change, I DO need to change.  So, I promise to be brutally honest in this blog (and to myself) in order to get healthier.

I weighted myself this morning: 172.2lbs.

Before I got pregnant with Natalie, I weighed around 165.  Before Jackson, 150.  I'm inching up the scale, and definitely not happy with that upward movement.  So, it's back to Weight Watchers for me.  I know firsthand that it works.  I just need to stick with it.

After my wedding in 2006, I began Weight Watchers for the first time.  I weighed around 160 at the time and wanted to be thinner.  I followed the program, and lost 22 lbs.  I weighed 138 at my lowest, and it felt great!  Then, I got lazy and started gaining some of that weight back.  Then, I got pregnant.  Now, I have two wonderful children and a saggy waistline.  While the kids were so worth gaining that pregnancy weight and those stretch marks, there is no reason for that weight to be hanging around.

So, I started this blog.  Partially to keep me accountable to someone other than myself and partially to give myself an outlet for all the frustrations of losing weight.  I know that losing weight is much more than dieting - it's a lifestyle change.  So, here goes...

My goals:

1) Track all of my food intake with Weight Watchers online etools, and stick to my target points.
2) Weigh in every Monday morning, and post that number (good or bad) online
3) Run at least three times a week, either outside or on the dreadmill :)
4) Use this blog to vent frustrations, and celebrate victories

If you're reading this (or any of my upcoming posts), feel free to comment, make suggestions, give advice or scold me (haha, I know I'll need that eventually)!!

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